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Part Three

She was running; to what she did not know anymore. She leaped over a log and dodged a tree branch, managing to land on her feet with grace. She turned back, the dogs were hot on her trail. She could hear the shouts of the men and the panting of the dogs as the pulled on there leashes to find her. Heart pounding in her chest, she took off again. The winter wind froze her skin making it numb to all the scrapes from the trees she was getting. Salt. The ocean was close; that's not good. She'd be cornered, but she could not afford to be caught. She'd suffer a worse fate if she was caught...


She saw the clearing, the moon was high and the salt from the ocean was clearer. She stopped at the edge of the cliff. It was beautiful, the moon illuminated the sea and the castle. The snapping of twigs drew her back the current situation. "Well shi-" she muttered before a shot rang out. The Captain of the Guard had a rifle pointing in the sky. "You know you really should be careful with those things, they can kill people," she smirked. The Captain snarled and aimed at her. She was not gonna chance him missing, she turned around with her back to the sea and took a step back.  The loose rock fell down the edge into dust, as she leaned back another shot rang out.

She awoke with a scream and grabbing her shoulder. Was it a dream? She asked herself caressing her pale shoulder.  Heavy footfalls alarmed her as the door swung open and a small framed girl with raven locks rushed to her side. "Are you alright?" she said in a hushed voice. Celeste pulled from her. Where was she? She studied her surroundings this place was not familiar to her. She tried to get up, but the girl quickly stopped her. "Miss,  I wouldn't suggest getting up. You've been out for several days," she informed.  Celeste stopped fighting. Several days...

She packed her things and tucked a lock of stray hair behind her ear. "Are you sure you can make it on your own Miss Celeste." the girl asked washing her hand on her apron. Celeste nodded, "I have an important matter to tend to." she said tucking her knives in her boot. "Do you have a courier close by, Luci?" she asked. "Yes, matter a fact he leaves in about ten minutes. Hurry and catch him; he's by the gate now." Luci said looking out the window.  Grabbing her things, she turned to Luci. "Remember, I was never here,"  she whispered. Luci nodded.

Alexander walked down the glittering hallway to the enormous brass doors. He hated this part of the day. He had to face his half-brother Sebastion in a glaring contest for two hours or until his father was tired of the people asking favors or grants. He stood next to his mother as she fanned herself. "Nice of you to join us, my dear. I was beginning to worry you'd forgotten," she whispered. "I would never forget, mother," he said kissing her hand. Bastion, as he liked to be called, stood at his father's side. His gaze crossed Alexander's and he leaned down to whisper something in his father's ear. No doubt it was lies about him to cause him the chance at the crown. His father waved it off and continued with his duties.

The sun's rays leaked through the stained glass; warming his skin as he continued to listen to politics. It would go on for hours. Until a royal messenger came and whispered something in his sire's ear. "Everyone is dismissed, except for Alexander. I want to have a word with you." his voice boomed. Everyone scurried out in a slow manner. He turned to kiss his mother's cheek as she left and hurry into the throne.

He knelt down with his head low and waited for his sire to speak. "A message from the western wall village arrived for you today," he said handing it to him. Alexander knew no one that far. It was a small remote village that only a handful of people knew about. He looked at his sire and then to Bastion, whose eyes betrayed no emotion, "Is that all Your Majesty." he asked lowly. "Yes, you may leave." he waved his hand and continued writing his notes down.

He opened the letter as soon as he left the throne room. The calligraphy was rushed but beautiful none the less. He read and reread the letter and none of it made sense.  He looked at the return address but there was none, then flipping it over did he see the wax seal. Silver wax with a dagger imprinted on it.  His Assassin was giving him a heads up... he smirked,"How unprofessional," he whispered into the empty hallway.
