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Showing posts from October, 2017

Part Three

She was running; to what she did not know anymore. She leaped over a log and dodged a tree branch, managing to land on her feet with grace. She turned back, the dogs were hot on her trail. She could hear the shouts of the men and the panting of the dogs as the pulled on there leashes to find her. Heart pounding in her chest, she took off again. The winter wind froze her skin making it numb to all the scrapes from the trees she was getting.  Salt. The ocean was close; that's not good. She'd be cornered, but she could not afford to be caught. She'd suffer a worse fate if she was caught... dead.  She saw the clearing, the moon was high and the salt from the ocean was clearer. She stopped at the edge of the cliff. It was beautiful, the moon illuminated the sea and the castle. The snapping of twigs drew her back the current situation. "Well shi-" she muttered before a shot rang out. The Captain of the Guard had a rifle pointing in the sky. "You know you real

Part Two

She awoke in a sweat; she'd only been out for a couple of hours. That was long enough for her, in this line of work. She'd have to report back soon. The King was not a patient man. She tugged on her boots, secured them; and headed out. The hallways were dead quiet, the candles were blown out and all the patrons gone. She pulled the door slightly closed and headed down the stairs to the tavern floor. Through the window, the moon casts its gaze on the wooden floor; lighting her way. She stopped at the barkeep's table and left the money for the drink she had. He could not say no this time. She slipped over to the door and opened the creaky tavern door; hoping not to wake anyone in the town. Her footfalls were light; barely making any sounds across the porch. She hugged closer to herself as the cold autumn wind blew. She remembered this wind, it was the same wind that swept the fire to her parents home; burning it to the ground with them asleep inside. The only family she ha

Part One

She was devoted.  She loved that man since he was a babe. She tried so hard to figure out how it turned to this; how did he end up at the end of her blade? Thirty seconds. If she didn't need the money; she wouldn't be doing this. She let out the air she was unknowingly holding. Ten seconds . Her target, a tall male with short auburn hair stepped around the corner. Alexander. She knew she had to do this... there was no turning back. He stopped. She panicked. She's never felt that before. "Celeste.  Don't do this." the tall male spoke, looking to the shadows. His gaze fell on her and her heart stopped. She dared not speak, she couldn't if she wanted to. She silently dropped from her hiding place and place the knife behind her in its scabbard. He watched her movements so fluid like water. "He's contracted you to silence me, I see," he whispered into the autumn air. She nodded and avoided his gaze. "It can't be helped I assume,